On May 8, two sets 10T/D waste plastic to oil machines were delivered to Inner Mongolia from DOING factory.
On April 30, Mr. Li, the head of DOING factory, taught the workers high-standard equipment welding technology.
On April 29, we delivered two sets 12T/D waste plastic to oil machines to Guangdong, China.
On the afternoon of April 29, Henan DOING Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd invited the famous Chief Operating Officer Feng Quanlin to give us training.
One April 27, 3 sets 12T/D waste plastic to oil machines and one set 10T/D plastic oil to diesel plant were delivered to Nigeria.
On April 24, the customer from Ethiopia went to our factory for inspection of their 10T/D waste plastic to oil plant.
To choose the most cost-effective plastic to oil plant, there are many factors you should consider firstly.
On April 18, a team of seven officers came to visited DOING from Guangxi, China for more details about plastic to oil machine for sale.
There are about 3 ways to recycle waste plastic, and they are respectively landfill, plastic material recycling as well as plastic thermal pyrolysis into fuel oil. Pyrolysis is the most economical way.

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