The aluminum plastic recycling pyrolysis plant can obtain aluminum powder, pyrolysis oil, syngas and carbon black. DOING is a manufacturer specializing in aluminum plastic recycling plants, welcome to consult!
Waste plastic can be converted into heavy fuel oil(plastic pyrolysis oil) and diesel fuel. The waste plastic pyrolysis machine and pyrolysis oil distillation machine produced by DOING can convert waste plastics into fuel oil and diesel fuel.
On June 25, 2023, a set of 3TPD pyrolysis oil to diesel machine was shipped to Canada. The whole production cycle of the pyrolysis oil to diesel machine is about forty days from manufacturing to delivering.
A waste plastic pyrolysis plant is worth investing in, because the plastic pyrolysis products are highly profitable. This article will take DOING 10 tons of plastic pyrolysis plant as an example to give you a detailed profit analysis of the plastic pyroly
In general, the oil yield of pyrolysis plant mainly depends on the oil content of the raw materials; but it is also affected by other factors, such as equipped configurations of pyrolysis plant, workers' operations, etc.
The cost of plastic to fuel converter largely depends on its model, processing capacity, the configuration, etc. Therefore, it is important to consider these factors comprehensively when choosing a suitable plastic fuel converter.
​On May 20, 2023, the 10TPD oil sludge pyrolysis device ordered by our Canadian customer has been successfully shipped to Canada. DOING pyrolysis device can recycle waste tires, plastics, oil sludge, and convert them into useful substances such as fuel oi
On May 10, 2023, our Regular Canadian client ordered 3TPD pyrolysis oil distillation plant from DOING after purchasing a set of 10TPD pyrolysis plant.These two machines can help Canadian client extract diesel fuel from wastes.
It takes about 8.3 pounds of plastics to produce one gallon of diesel, which is influenced by several factors, including plastic oil content, the technology of plastic to diesel machines, and the professional level of the workers.

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